Niet alleen de begroeting van Larry Gerharts is hartelijk, de acht maanden oude pup is minstens zo enthousiast. Haar twee ouders scharrelen door de koele keuken als wij op het terras plaatsnemen. De puppy stort zich vrolijk op het bezoek. Het botje dat ze meesjouwt wordt aan mijn voeten gelegd. ‘Mijn ene opa stamde af van een slaaf die zich vrijgekocht… Lees verder »
Abstract Brua is an Afro-Caribbean religion and healing tradition from the southern part of the former Netherlands Antilles. Like other Caribbean healing traditions, it plays a significant role in shaping how individuals experience and express disorders which Western health professionals consider to require psychiatric care. Because little has been published on Brua, and because patients from Aruba, Bonaire, and Curac¸ao… Lees verder »
The Dutch Antillean islands have been part of the Dutch Kingdom since colonisation in the seventeenth century, but have only in the last thirty years gotten increasing attention in postcolonial studies. By doing visual research of photographs of the islands Aruba and Bonaire, this thesis contributes to the relatively small body of work about the islands in a way… Lees verder »
Summary This master thesis focuses on the socio-cultural formation of the community of Rincon in Bonaire between 1816 and 2010. The main question, which is examined, is why we can still consider this time period as being characterized by creolization. Language is an important element of a culture and when cultural changes in a language develop, it is an important… Lees verder »
“The computer [and newer forms of media providing instant access to digital content at any place and time] represent a new resource…that previously did not exist among migrants” (Hiller, Franz 2004: 731), changing their experience as a result of these advancements in technology, providing resources that were previously unavailable (Hiller, Franz 2004: 737). Ties to the countries of origin, formations… Lees verder »
We zitten er mooi mee, met die erfenis die niemand wil. Afgelopen maandag presenteerde de commissie Spies haar evaluatierapport over de gang van zaken vijf jaar na de keuze van de drie BES eilanden om onderdeel van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden te blijven. Er zijn natuurlijk verbeteringen te noemen. Op het gebied van zorg, huisvesting en scholing zijn de eerste… Lees verder »